Get the Look with In-image Advertising

Thursday, 21. October 2010

In-image advertising is not only clever but extremely relevant to customers. Now if you want to dress like a celebrity, you can easily find where to get the look with merchandise exactly matching what the celebrity was wearing. Take a look at the screen shot I took. The conversion rate could be substantially higher than OLA since the click on the Get the Look flap is presumably from customers with a clear and strong intent to shop for the celebrity look. Then in the ads where the exact matching items are shown speaks high relevancy. When you combine customer intent with highly relevant ad, the likelihood of purchase will be very high. This can be a more cost effective way to advertising as it can eliminate the waste that could be associated with relatively less targeted OLA method. In-image advertising is very cool and I am looking forward to seeing more to come with image-targeted advertising as well as some numbers around cost/benefit.

Benjamin Disraeli on Statistics

Thursday, 7. January 2010

Benjamin Disraeli is, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Harvard President Lawrence Lowell wrote in 1909 that statistics, “…like veal pies, are good if you know the person that made them, and are sure of the ingredients.”